Please join us for Church ONLINE if:
you have been in contact with someone who has ANY symptoms potentially related to COVID-19.
you have you knowingly had close or proximate contact with someone in the past week who has tested positive for COVID-19.
you have ANY of the symptoms potentially related to COVID-19 or have tested positive.
Check out our live church services here:
About Heart of Worship Church
In October of 2001, Pastors Mark and Lora founded and organized Heart of Worship Church. They have been called out to worship the Lord in praise and song, and to serve Him by restoring, healing and encouraging the hearts of individuals and families who have been hurt by the trials and abuses of life. We are a non-denominational, Full gospel, Genesis to Revelation Bible teaching church. We have several core values. We value the presence of the Holy Spirit, children as a heritage of the Lord, the attitude of servant hood being developed in our hearts and demonstrated in our lives. We value hospitality as a spiritual skill which demonstrates our love for God and one another. We value financial stewardship as the responsibility of every member. We value every member embracing and utilizing their gifts for the Kingdom of God and the edification of the body. We value disciplining and equipping the body of believers for ministry to our community through Pentecostal worship, preaching, and teaching of the Word of God.

Our Mission:
To Restore hearts and families through Worship and the Word of God
““But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.”
John 4:23”